Allen Ginsborg — chairman, principal and co-founder of NewMark Merrill Cos.’ Mountain States division and ICSC member — has died at the age of 59. He is survived by his wife, Jeanne, as well as sons Josh, Jake and Joey and daughter Jackie. A NewMark Merrill statement read, “As many in our community experienced directly, Allen was kind, generous, a pioneering shopping center developer,
a wise teacher and most definitively a man who loved his friends and beautiful family with a steadfast dedication that inspired us all.”
In April 2008, Ginsborg, at left, and NewMark Merrill president and CEO Sandy Sigal, at right, founded NewMark Merrill Mountain States to develop and acquire shopping centers in Colorado. It since has acquired, developed and managed more than 2 million square feet. Among Ginsborg’s achievements was the acquisition and $100 million redevelopment of Twin Peaks Mall into the Village at the Peaks, a gathering spot for Longmont and Northern Colorado. According to NewMark Merrill, “While the idea of a brand-new company in Colorado building a brand-new, 500,000 square foot shopping center in a difficult retail climate seemed crazy to many, Sigal included, Ginsborg’s can-do attitude, relentless outreach to the community, personal relationships and credibility, and authenticity of wanting to create something special for our tenants and shoppers came through.”
Ginsborg completed more than 1,000 shopping center leases valued at more than $1 billion and closed over 50 shopping center investment sales and more than 100 land transactions. During his career, he founded CB Commercial’s tenant advisory services group and, with friends Joe Meyer and Mike Jensen, also founded Pacific Retail Partners, which developed or leased more than 15 million
feet of shopping center space in California and Colorado. From 1993 to 2003, Ginsborg represented The Home Depot as it established more than 30 locations in Colorado. He also ran the national retail development group for Catellus Development. Ginsborg was a frequent speaker at ICSC events and at the Everitt Real Estate Center at Colorado State University, where he served on the board. The
center named him Real Estate Entrepreneur of the Year in 2012.
Sigal said:
Allen was much more than a friend or businessman. He was a force of nature, a solid rock who wanted to be judged on how he lived his life and on his impact to the community. Over 33 years ago, I met him and he immediately became one of my closest friends. We went through triumph and tragedy together, and I watched and learned from how he treated each. His faith in me gave me more faith in myself, and I, like so many others, depended on his wise words and gentle encouragement. When I walked into a room as a young real estate entrepreneur who was still finding my way, saying I knew Allen Ginsborg … gave me much more credibility then I deserved but
was a tribute to what he meant to everyone who knew him. Allen was the one who convinced me I could start my own business. He was the one who introduced me to my partner Brad Pearl, and along with Jim Patton, we started NewMark Merrill Co s. He gave many the confidence to do things they themselves didn’t believe they could do.
Allen supported the “I Have a Dream” Foundation and volunteered in India to support entrepreneurs. He had taken a sabbatical at the end of last year to, with his wife and daughter, visit those he had supported throughout the years, including an orphanage in India, a Sherpa he met while climbing in the Himalayas and religious groups in Europe. Those who wish to pay tribute are asked to donate to the following charities in Ginborg’s honor: Project Healing Waters, Forerunner Mentoring and Timberline Lodge. NewMark Merrill also
plans set up a fund in his memory to continue his work and will share more information on its website. Arrangements around his funeral and any services have not yet been announced.
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